Adir Miller – March 22nd 2014

Saturday, March 22nd 8:45pm
Cañada College Theatre
4200 Farm Hill Blvd.
Redwood City, 94061
See map below
Order online or call call 408-530-8243 to order and reserve your seats. – Seats are assigned
Tickets prices:
$55 , ($60 with Credit card/PayPal)
$65 ($70 with credit card/PayPal)
Select your preferred tickets and click on the “Add to Cart” button.
On the next screen you will be able to pay with PayPal or Credit Card.
To pay with credit card select “Check out with PayPal” then click “Don’t have PayPal Account”
!!!!!!! The show is SOLD OUT !!!!!!
Click on the link for Cañada College Map and Directory
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