George Dalaras, Eleni Vitali & Glykeria – November 21st 2015

George Dalaras,
Eleni Vitali & Glykeria
In Concert!
Saturday, November 21st at 8:00pm
San Mateo Performing Arts Center
600 North Delaware Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94401
See map below
Order online or call
SV Productions @408-530-8243 to order and reserve your seats. – Seats are assigned
Tickets prices (see seating charts below):
Orchestra (1st floor) LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER :
$150 Rows A-J, $125 Rows K-R, $100 Rows S-Z
Blacony (2nd floor) LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER:
$80 Rows AA-LL , $60 Rows MM-RR
!!!!!!!!!!! Last Tickets are available at the Theater !!!!!!!!!!
San Mateo Performing Arts Center Seating charts
Click me to see the detailed first floor seating map
Click me to see the detailed 2nd floor seating map
Checks, credit cards, or Paypal are excepted.
Select below your preferred tickets and “Add to Cart“.
At the next screen you will be able to pay with PayPal or Credit Card.
To pay with credit card select the button “Check Out With PayPal” and in the next screen select the option ” Pay With a Debit or Credit Card”
Three of the most important Greek singers of this generation are coming to our area! George Dalaras, Eleni Vitali, and Glykeria have been called “the Holy Trinity of Greek music” by Greek media.
The artists integrate their personal history and experiences with
unparalleled unique talent. They will remind us of the best music and
cultural entertainment Greece has to offer.
The performance will pleasantly surprise those most familiar with the
artists with a new combination of vocal diversity and musical unity.
The three legends will be sharing the stage with an orchestra of
outstanding musicians.
You do not want to miss out on this truly once in a lifetime experience!