Rapunzel- The Musical – March 24th 2020

The Musical
Tuesday, March 24th 5:30pm
Cubberley Community Center- Theater
4000 Middlefield Rd
Palo Alto, 94303
See map and directions below
Tickets prices (see seating chart below):
* $65 A-E Central Sections Rows ($69.95 with Credit card/ PayPal)
* $60 F-M Central Sections Rows ($64.95 with Credit card/ PayPal)
* $55 A-E Side Sections Rows ($59.95 with Credit card/ PayPal)
* $49 F-M Side Sections Rows (53.95 $ with Credit card/ PayPal)
Select below your preferred tickets and “Add to Cart“.
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Click me to see the detailed seating map
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