Shlomi Shabat Tour- Dec 29th 2009

The Show of the year !
Tuesday, December 29th 8:00 PM
Carrington Hall @ Sequoia High School
1201 Brewster Avenue
Redwood City, CA 94062
Before placing an order, please call
to check availability and reserve your seats.
Tickets: $90, $80, $75, $60, $45 phone order only
Students requiers to show ID card at the enterance
Promotions are avaiable ONLY over the phone.
Please note that an extra of $5 per ticket is charged when you order online (credit card and shipping charges)
After a 20 year career, performances in front of hundreds of thousands of people countrywide and sales of hundreds of thousands of albums, Shlomi Shabbat is coming to our area with songs from his new solo album, “Singing to you”.
Shlomi comes from a sephardic family that immigrated from Turky. His performance, inspired by American, African and Spanish influences and is accompanied by a musical band and two singers. The performance will include the songs “Because of the Wind,” “Dad,” “Crazy from your Love,” Latin Medley,” “Turkish Medley” and many more.
Not to be missed !