The brain, the mind, magic and music by professor Horn – DEC 11-13

A lecture, magic show and Jazz concert by Richard Horn, a neuroscientist, jazz musician and magician, and professor emeritus of physiology at Thomas Jefferson University. Along with the entertainment, Horn, who has Parkinson’s disease, gives his perspective on how to cope.
Sunday, December 11th at 10:00 am
PJCC – 800 Foster City Blvd.
Foster City, 94404
For M/NM reservations call: 650-378-2703
Monday, December 12th at 1:00PM
OMJCC – 200 North San Pedro Road
San Rafael, 94903
For M/NM reservations call: 415.444.8000
Tuesday, December 13th at 1:00PM
OFJCC – 3921 Fabian Way
Palo Alto, 94303
For Members- Payment at the door only!
Admission: $20 By checks/cash. $23 by credit card.
Tickets can be ordered online, or by calling call 408-530-8243 (members can order tickets from the local JCC or at the door)
Please pay attention, internet orders are only available for Dec 13th event for NM of the OFJCC. For the shows on Dec 11th and Dec 12th please contact the JCC’s directly using the phone numbers mentioned above or buy tickets at the door.
For questions please call 408-530-8243
Select below your preferred tickets and “Add to Cart“.
At the next screen you will be able to pay with PayPal “PayPal Checkout“, or Credit Card “Check Out”