There is a Place- A lecture and film about Music and Alzheimer’s – October 28th 2017

There is a Place- A lecture and film about Music and Alzheimer’s
By Lior Tsarfaty
Saturday, October 28th, at 3:00pm
PJCC – Foster City
800 Foster City Blvd.
Foster City, CA 94404
“There Is a Place”, a documentary film by Tania Ku.
Music therapist Lior Tsarfaty, personal journey of discovering his gift of music as a young man and learning how to share this gift with the Alzheimer’s patients! The movie captures the beauty of how music can help Alzheimer patients who are confused, lost and in deep suffering.
The event includes the film, a lecture by Lior Tsarfaty, Q & A and a few songs related to Lior’s work.
Tickets prices:
$10 in advance, $15 at the door.
$12 Credit card payment
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