Yigal Bashan Songs- April 6th 2019

ערב שירי יגאל בשן
בשילוב סיפורים מאחורי הקלעים לאורך חייו
Saturday, April 6th 2019 @ 8:45 PM
Peninsula Sinai Congregation
499 Boothbay Avenue
Foster City, CA 94404
See map below
Tickets can be ordered online or by checks/cash by calling 408-829-7602.
(PayPal users, please make sure to update your current address !!!)
Tickets prices (General Seats):
$35, Front rows ($38 with Credit card/PayPal)
$30, Back rows ($33 with Credit card/PayPal)
Select below “Add to Cart“.
At the next screen you will be able to pay with PayPal “PayPal Checkout”, or Credit Card “Check Out”